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A nadie le importa una mierda, pero... v16
Muhahahaha, "La casta de los emails"

Cita:Many “unicorn” tech startups began with a few engineers and a product they wanted to sell, but over the past decade-plus, they have accrued a bloated bureaucracy of “equity”-minded h.r. activists, ESG(*)-savvy consultants, affinity-group mavens, climate-change specialists, and many other email-caste hangers-on.

Now that times are turning bad, tech companies can no longer afford to sustain a massive “court” of professional-class nobility, paying sinecures to sons and daughters of the good and the great who don’t know how to code or crunch numbers, but know how to write emails, hold useless meetings, and talk about diversity and inclusion.

Cita:Here, one is reminded of a social dynamic that took hold in the leadup to the French Revolution. In the latter half of the 18th century, France was trying to reform its increasingly dysfunctional army, and some of the reformers made an issue of the fact that commoners couldn’t get promoted to higher positions.
But all attempts to make the army accept non-nobles in commanding positions were defeated. The problem was that France now had a large class of impoverished nobles, for which some sort of exclusive jobs program was absolutely necessary.

Cita:A similar dynamic is operative in America today. The people who worked “on climate” at Twitter, now being given the ax by the perfidious Elon Musk, are openly complaining that they won’t be able to find jobs anywhere else in this economy. They are, of course, right to worry. One of the biggest and least-talked-about social questions in the West is how to economically provide for our own modern version of France’s impecunious nobles: that is, how to prop up high-status people who can’t really do much economically productive work.
Todos sabeis la distribución estadística por titulación y sexo de estos inútiles.

Ayer por la tarde en la tertulia de Luis Herrero hablaban de esto mismo en la radio (tenía que ir en coche a un sitio) pero en relación a la lucha por la supervivencia (sueldo publico) entre Podemos y Sumar. ¿Dónde van a emplearse estos inútiles fuera de la teta del estado?... cobrando los 100K que cobran ahora imposible, como las HdlGP del Ninsterio de Igual Dá, pero es que incluso muchos ni en puestos rasos de la empresa privada.

Cita:In my own country, Sweden, the state picks up a lot of the slack. Here, small municipalities hire dozens or hundreds of communicators, consultants, and other plainly nonproductive personnel, and attempts to do something about it run into a very simple question: Where else are these people supposed to work? Who else would hire them?

Cita:In America, that jobs program is only partially covered by the state. Private companies like Twitter have therefore been expected to shoulder the burden and make sure the scions of the professional-managerial class can find lucrative work, even when there is no real economic reason to pay them. That system is now buckling under the sheer amount of waste and parasitism that can no longer be covered up by cheap money and easy debt. Musk makes a useful scapegoat here, but none of this is his fault, nor could he change this dynamic if he wanted to.

No sé si conoceis al (ex) tuitero NOVENTA (90248a). Básicamente doxeaba a esta neo nobleza de rojiprogres, son todos "hijos de". Simplemente tiraba de la bio y en LinkedIn le salían los masteres y las unis propias de la flor y nata del régimen, obviamente todo titulaciones en ciencias sociales que no sirven para nada.

Hay una startup que burbujea con la cancamusa esta del ESG. The new evil. Básicamente quieren asociar una valoración a tu empresa según criterios woke de "responsabilidad social corporativa", y que ese baremo se lo estandarice la UE (y la UE de momento pasa y estos lloran porque sin ese respaldo se burbujea peor).
El objetivo es que cuando vayas a pedir una línea de crédito el lacayo de la Botín te pedirá tu puntuación ESG en vez de pedirte solamente el activo, pasivo y facturaciones pasadas.
La misma mierda que denuncia este articulillo pero a nivel mas bajo (como el párrafo sueco) y aplicado a la PYME en vez de estas grandes compañias o obviamente con un sueldo menor, aplicado por ley de Igual Dá o de facto por las líneas de crédito de la banca.
No es muy dificil saber a quien tratan de emplear (distribución estadística de factor A, B, C, D...)
[Imagen: IUmqKJR.png]


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RE: A nadie le importa una mierda, pero... v16 - por Yumichan - 11-10-2022, 04:06 PM

Salto de foro:

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