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No, no la tocan para nada. Sólo tocan mazmorras normales, raids sólo se pierde ZG. De hecho ya está todo eso igual que cuando pongas la expa.
[Imagen: mrmoonlight.gif]
Ai Takahashi cada ver es mejor Mr. Moonlight
MSDMC que no pueda usar el hechizo de resurrección en mi cuenta de WoW porque resulta que ahora solo es para cuentas de WoW clásico.
[Imagen: torito.png]
Acaban de sacar la cinematica final antes de cataclismo titulada The world reborn.
Muestra algunos de los cambios a las zonas y algunas de las nuevas. Mucho ojo si llevas tiempo sin entrar, este video y su banda sonora puede motivarte a volver al vicio (recomendado poner HD y pantalla completa)

Estoy volviendo a ver el video y si, han creado un puto mundo de la nada. Con cantidad de zonas e inmenso.
[Imagen: luckyclannadlu2.gif]

Contestando a tu pregunta, Si, mi blog mola demasiado
MSDMC lo malo que es el guerrero en 1v1 y me infla las pelotas que digan que en arena son la bomba.

Llevo el día así:

[Imagen: torito.png]
Soy feliz! Blizzard ha hecho uno de los mejores inventos después de la penicilina:

Spoiler: mostrar
[Imagen: terrorpene.jpg]

Simplemente sublime!
Ninja Squad no tame ni
En la práctica tiene que ser una mierda, pero con eso vas a hacer mas ejercicio que con el wiifit

[Imagen: torito.png]
tutorial para mago arcano

[Imagen: torito.png]
Triste realidad...pero creo que ahora el mago arcano se come los mocos xD

Por mi parte mas contento que unas castañuelas con el chaman mejora, arriba de la tabla de dps lulz
[Imagen: luckyclannadlu2.gif]

Contestando a tu pregunta, Si, mi blog mola demasiado
Vaya risas me he echado con el video por dios. Yo sí que estoy contento con mi humano nivel 23 sin clase.

Volví a jugar con la salida de la expansión, subí a nivel 85 y no duré ni una semana haciendo instancias y herócias, su puta madre hombre tontería de juego, y solo de pensar en raidear se me quitaban todas las ganas de jugar. Lo peor es que pagué 20 leuros por migrar el muñeco a otro server para jugar con unos amigos.

Encima menuda puta mierda el salto de warrior. Aun recuerdo cuando dijeron que por fin lo iban a poner y esta vez de verdad que estuve comentando con los hamijos que seguro que se quedaba en otra carga más peor con distinta animación y me decían que no que con el salto se podrían saltar a zonas altas y tal. SI, MIS COJONES, funciona peor que la carga de hecho, un mísero bordillito de medio centímetro y no se puede usar, como la carga hace años.
/cast Threadomancy

Acaban de anunciar en el Blizzcon la siguiente expansión Mist of Pandaria. Y aunque lo parezca no es una coña tipo April's fool.

Os quoteo un bluepost

Cita:Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
What is Mists of Pandaria?

* The goal is to combine new gameplay with most fun parts of the past.
* The plan is to get people back into the world, instead of having players roam around Stormwind and Orgrimmar all the time once they reach max level.
* Developers want you to do what you want to do to progress your character. They really want you to feel like you have a menu of content where you can pick whatever you want to do, and you shouldn't feel forced to do something to progress your character. For example, daily quests will reward you with valor points but it will still be faster if you raid of course.
* Character builds are going to be entirely revamped. Talents were still too cookie cutter, so the developers want to give players more choices in their talents.


* 5 New leveling zones to explore
* Single, unified continent
* Influenced by Asian landscapes
* AH, Bank, and Central Questing Hub
* No flying until max level
* There's 5 leveling zones but they are very large zones, and you won't have your flying mount.

Lore of Pandaria

* A long, storied history.
* Magically hidden since The Sundering
* A new land to explore....
* Pandaria was discovered during the cataclysm, a naval battle between horde and alliance was taking place close to it.

Pandaren starting zone

* It's a turtle! It left Pandaria 10 000 years ago and never came back. Pandarens who wanted to discover the world left on that turtle.
* Story focused with simple mechanics
* Cross faction, choose Horde/Alliance at level 10.

Creatures of Pandaria

* The Jinyu are fish-like creatures and will be in a wide number of zones.
* The Hozu are a monkey-like race, they stand up on their legs and can walk around. They play tons of pranks on the local pandarens and are also in a lot of zones.
* Verming are ... new kobolds, they kinda look like evil bunnies.
* Mantid: Whole raids and dungeons around this race. Insect race that has been there since the beginning of ages. They have been seperated by a giant wall. They are starting to go crazy and are going through the wall
* Mogu: Ancient race, original race on pandaria. The mogu want the island back from the pandaren, they are really mad. You will see them in dungeons.
* Sha: Manifestation of the evil energies that flow through the earth. If there is any sort of battle these guys pop up.

The Jade Forest

* This is where Alliance and Horde will be landing. The horde is washing up on the north side, the alliance on the south side. There will be one unified start zone and Alliance/Horde will end up meeting up in the middle.
* Lush rainforests and stone spires
* The Alliance will try to become friend with the Hozu, and the Horde with the Jinyu and will try to turn them against each other.
* Temple of the Jade Serpent will be the dungeon of this zone. It will be your 85-86 Dungeon, it has been taken over by Sha

Valley of the Four Winds

* Two zones for the price of one! This zone is huge, the whole north side of the zone is pandaren farmlands, the south is a coastal jungle.
* You will get to choose between the north side and the south side when you arrive. You can go back and switch side if you want the other quests.
* The dungeon of this zone is Stormstout Brewery.
* This is where you will have your first interaction with the Mantids, they broke through the wall and are now attacking pandarens villages.
* This is a level 86-87 zone

New Features

* The pandarens are the new race.
* The female model isn't done yet.
* At level 10, you will get to choose between horde and alliance.
* Pandaren Classes: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior
* Racial - Epicurean - Increase the stat benefits from food by 100%
* Racial - Gourmand - Cooking skill increased by 15.
* Racial - Inner Peace - Your rested experience bonus lasts twice as long.
* Racial - Bouncy - You take 50% less falling damage.
* Racial - Quaking Palm - You touch a secret pressure point on an enemy target, putting it to sleep for 3 sec.

Monk New Class

* Brewmaster - Tank spec
* Mistweaver - Healer, a healer who can stand up in melee and will let players experience a "new healing style"
* Windwalker - Melee DPS
* This is not a hero class, and it will start at level 1

Y aquí la web oficial
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