10-27-2009, 04:19 PM
(10-27-2009, 12:24 PM)Lokidm escribió: Pero pon lo importante!!
Segun parece las chicas se vuelven ams poderosas con sus canciones al quitarse ropa!
Eh, eh, pero que todo tiene una explicacion racional:
Cita:Producer Kawachi Atsunori explained the reason behind how the heroine costumes start showing more skin when they activate songs, saying that “By showing more skin, they are able to absorb more of the planet’s energy”. There were some small snickers coming from the audience after hearing this, but he continued saying:
“The world can only be saved because the heroines took off their clothes!!!”
And everybody laughed and clapped their hands.
-from : 4Gamer.net http://www.4gamer.net/games/100/G010023/20091026029/
En fin...