05-13-2008, 02:35 PM
Mi nick:
山田 Yamada (mountain field) 忠義 Tadayoshi (loyal and righteous)
Mi otro nick:
福田 Fukuda (fortunate rice field) 相子 Aiko (child of the morning sun)
...y si pongo texto japones? puse だいむふろ (dai-mu-fu-ro):
長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 徹平 Koike (penetrating peace)
山田 Yamada (mountain field) 忠義 Tadayoshi (loyal and righteous)
Mi otro nick:
福田 Fukuda (fortunate rice field) 相子 Aiko (child of the morning sun)
...y si pongo texto japones? puse だいむふろ (dai-mu-fu-ro):
長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 徹平 Koike (penetrating peace)